What We Do

The Workforce Partners' regional activities support two priorities: human capital development and economic development. The types of activities undertaken in support of each priority are identified below.

Human Capital Development

  • Connect employers with workforce development and education partners to identify and implement strategies for addressing human capital needs of the region's industries.
  • Convene regional stakeholders for the purpose of enhancing coordination between and among programs that provide services in support of human capital development and attachment to the labor force.
  • Provide regional labor market data and analysis that supports the alignment of regional human capital investments with the workforce needs of employers.
  • Provide support to strategies that address career awareness and educational issues impacting the employability of youth, recognizing that they are the region's future workforce.
  • Identify gaps between skills and education of the region's labor force and current and future skill needs of employers. Work collaboratively to develop strategies to address the gaps.
  • Support initiatives that increase the attainment of degrees and certificates for high demand occupations.
  • Identify new, innovative program approaches to address the region's workforce needs.

Economic Development

  • Engage employers in validating workforce needs and providing advice and guidance on human capital investment strategies; use sector strategies to effectively engage industries that are drivers of the regional economy.
  • Align workforce development strategies with regional economic development strategies.
  • Leverage resources to support human capital development strategies that directly address economic development priorities.
  • Leverage additional resources to support preparation of individual for high growth, high skill occupations and career advancement.
  • Compile indicator data that promotes the region's economic competitiveness and quality of life.