About Us

The Workforce Partners of Metropolitan Chicago (WPMC) is a 10-county consortium of Workforce Partners that oversee the public workforce system in each of their respective local areas.

Who We Are

WPMC came together with the realization that the economic vitality of each local area is directly related to the region as a whole.  There are seven local workforce areas in the 10-county area known as the North East Economic Development Region of the State of Illinois (Economic Development Region 4).


Our goal is to coordinate across the Chicago region, share best practices and address common problems as we connect the business sector with the workforce resources they need.  This includes:

  • Providing funding related to employment, training and educational services;
  • Building partnerships with a broad range of stakeholders from the private and public sectors; and
  • Addressing sector-specific challenges and their root causes, while working in partnership with industry to identify and implement solutions.


This work helps ensure that the workforce systems in the region are more closely aligned with businesses’ needs and contribute to the continued economic growth of the region and the state. If you have any questions or need additional information regarding the Workforce Partners of Metropolitan Chicago, please email us at:  [email protected]

You can learn about our current work under Regional Initiatives, and get connected to the local workforce areas collaborating under Local Initiatives.